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Mentor of the year 2022-23

Marco Bossi

"The thesis and what comes next might seem scary. A lot of choices have to be made and the time seems not enough.
We, as Mentors, have gone through the same process and we can share our experiences and the ones of our friends to make this transition less scary.

Our goal is to make sure that our Mentees can laugh about this stressful period in front of a Sunday coffee, being satisfied that the personal and professional path they followed was the most suitable for them."

Laura Triburzi

"To be a mentor is a lot about opening possibilities, letting the mentee find out her/his own way and speed. For me, it is a double way relationship: as a mentor I try to ask the right questions, listening and showing different ways to approach work and life; from the mentees I see curiosity and an open hearted willingness to explore. A lot of it is about kindness and psychology: I'd like mentees to reach the next step (the professional and personal life), in a lighter and less aggressive way with respect to the usual way, hoping they can choose and mold their professional environment step by step, actively but minimizing anxiety. I really hope mentees will "give back" this effort to others, beeng mentors in the future, because success often is not run alone and fast: in a team we can go further. I deeply thank the mentors and mentees I met in my life, and I thank Politecnico di Milano and Alina Cordova from the Center of Leadership Development, who gave me this opportunity."